domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

John Grinder: Creador de la PNL

John Grinder originally developed NLP in the 1970’s by collaborating with Richard Bandler in modelling selected geniuses such as Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. John Grinder now refers to the original NLP modelling projects as Classic Code NLP; his more recent work is called New Code NLP. John Grinder initiated The New Code originally with Judith Delozier and more recently with Carmen Bostic St Clair. The New Code streamlines and brings significant enhancements to the now thirty year old Classic Code. John and Carmen deliver a full schedule of New Code NLP-based seminars around the world. John and Carmen teamed up with Michael Carroll of the NLP Academy UK to launch the International Trainers Academy of NLP (ITANLP). The purpose of the ITANLP is to bring some of the standards that John, Carmen and Michael have integrated into their own work to the general NLP community. John, Carmen and Michael lead an annual Trainers Training to a worldwide audience training new NLP trainers to the highest standards. The Grinder, Bostic, Carroll training is rigorous and all who qualify can become members of the ITANLP.

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